Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sporeland Wedding Post Mortem

It's been one heckuva weekend. And there're bits that're bugging us till we can do a proper post-mortem.
  • Must be prepared to sweat like crazy as we tend to walk more outdoors while in Sporeland. And there was plenty of walking, waiting for taxis, and in hot weather.
  • Hainanese Chicken Rice. Where was it again? Then again, we're not so hardworking to go anywhere out of Orchard.
  • NUM. Can you please sell your t-shirts cheaper? SGD49.90 is just too dear.
  • Did we take our contacts off last night? Or are they still somewhere in our eyes?
  • And someone please refresh us on what I said? We remember the topic but not the contents - and that's bugging me.
  • Our best way of dealing with a hangover is to sleep it off. There wasn't enough sleep as we were taking the morning bus back to KL. And when Esteban asked why were we taking the morning bus home, we couldn't answer why.
Will have to sort out the photos and have 'em up soon. Puddy's the most efficient one by having them all up already! More later.


hrugaar said...

Sounds like you were falling asleep as you wrote this. :D Hope you enjoyed the weekend though!

adrien said...

welcome back! (i just HAD to say that.)

Jason said...

Welcome back.

Ganymede said...

Ok point number 4 is SCARY! You ah...

Okairi. :)

David The Man said...

Cock sock = "condom"? I wonder?

hrugaar said...

More like = willie-warmer, which is kind of a knitted sock to keep your bits warm. The idea (joke, gimmick) has been around for ages, but earlier this year had a kind of revival in the USA with someone trying to market it. :D