Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dear Sleep

Dear Sleep,

I'm sorry I haven't been spending much time with you nowadays. We're only together for four to five hours every night, which I admit, isn't quality time together. I do try to make it up with you on the weekends though, most weekends we spend nearly half the day together in my bed. Although yes, I agree with you that that's not the way how our relationship should be.

It's not that I don't love you anymore, I still do. You know how I don't want to leave you every morning. It's not as if I don't think of you anymore - I think about you everyday, especially when I leave for work, and even while at work too. I talk about you to my friends at times.

I admit, I wouldn't have known just how much I've been neglecting you if Alex did not confess to us about his relationship with you. I won't say that I was shocked, I knew we always had an understanding regarding our open relationship. You need to be with other people but you always came back to me, we have that special something. But I was a bit disappointed that you'd been paying Alex very regular visits too. I guess I've disappointed you one time too many too. Would a threesome with Alex be somewhere in our distant future, just to patch things up? I don't think so, people will object. Plus, I rather have you all to myself.

I'll confess that I've been spending time with your sibling Nap too. We me
t up during my lunch break, and we bond in my car. Yes, I admit I'm that weak, that I succumbed. Nap tried to see to my needs, but my mind was always on you! You, Sleep, You!

Just like how you need to be with nearly everyone else everyday (how lucky for you to be omnipresent), we too have to spend time with others, so that we aren't seen poorly by them. Internet is now our colleague at work, sometimes after work we do talk about casual matters. He also puts us in contact with other people. With Gym, well, we have a set timetable and he's never ever taken time away from you.

The Games and Hobbies families are a handful, and we need to dedicate time to certain family members every now and then. Boardgame is fine meeting up once every now and then. Console only calls us when he has something new that catches our interest. Portable is a keen kid, follows us everywhere to play with us when we're free. Reading joins us for mealtimes mostly. True, occasionally they all keep us from you. I'll have a chat with them about it.

All right. I won't make any more excuses. You know how I can't live without you. I'm addicted to you - I'm always reminded of your absence if I don't get enough of you. And I haven't been getting enough of you. Come back to bed. Be one with me again.

Yours always,


hrugaar said...

Heh. I seem to see less of him than you do - and less of you than he. Grab some quality time with him again soon though. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Sorry about Alex, sweetie. It's just that he's got that big, fat...well, you read it in his blog.

David The Man said...

Another post with "I" used, instead of "we" used. Hehehe... But I noticed something; the "I" slowly turns to "we". Urmmm, Monsieur Soldat, are/am we/I supposed to use "I" or "we" in your relationship confessions to Sleep? Confused la... :S

Well, anyway, go have some quality time with Sleep and Nap too, yea. Don't forget, they are your loyal companions day and night.

Ganymede said...

You two timer you!

Hahahha. :P

Ryan said...

LOL... You're funny! Great post!

Alex said...

I have to claim inspiration credits here.. :P

You know, Sleep has been sleeping around with other guys too actually. And so is Nap. Bunch of slutty brothers.

adrien said...

Sleep's been seeing me durin the day. Booz and Dancing Shoes have been me company during the night.

i love this post.

Janvier said...

Hrugaar: How true that we all take for granted those dear to us.

Sleep: Leech. We didn't know you attended to leeches too. It's alright, all is forgiven.

David The Man: The persona hard at work maintaining the identities.

QR: We're that weak, we admit.

Ryan: We all must talk to those we love, after all.

Alex: That's true - if you hadn't told us, we wouldn't have known. Much as it pains us, we have to accept it as an open relationship. Just as well that Sleep and Nap never talk about them to us.

Adrien: We do know Booze and Sleep are sort of good friends - after a night out with Booze, we're always ready for Sleep.

Jason said...

Heh.. such skanky post :P

Janvier said...

Jason: Huh? Just how is it skanky?

Will said...

Very clever darling! Although I do believe she likes me better. I see her all the time, everywhere in the world. It's okay. I'm big on sharing.

William said...

Sleep is Sleeping around?

He's mine too you know... blek. =)

Cyclohelix said...

I've must been to ignorant about my sleeping partner's whereabout, each day, i felt emptier and less energetic due to deprivation to be in bed with him :(

Janvier said...

Wingedman: Well of course Sleep adores you - you bring Sleep jetsetting!

William: Sleep sleeping around sounds very much like he's into (or doing) himself. :S

Cyclohelix: Don't neglect Sleep! We've been doing that to our detriment!