Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Total Knock Out

Well we haven't our own magic chair for this, but we don't actually need one. So happens that we ended up staying up overly late last night (important note to self: do not bring laptop to bed if need to wake up early next day, unless not planning on sleeping) and so we only managed 3 hours of sleep, adding on to the sleep deficit that normally piles up starting from Sunday night.

The day was a daze really.

It was particularly bad this time around because at any time our head touches a surface, any surface, we just black out. It's a good thing we didn't chose the large office chair that reclines slightly and with the back tall enough to act as a head rest.


Didn't stop us from indiscriminately sleeping around (in the car before lunch, back in bed just after lunch as well as on the chaise-lounge just before heading back to work) but nevertheless they were really just quickies. Power naps wouldn't leave you wanting more. Nor do they leave you feeling as if your whole body was heavier than lead, making it near impossible to get up.

Just as well that we were once again alone in our tower of solitude, as everyone else left early. As it was already after hours, we were literally floored until 9pm. It's just a good thing the carpet's regularly hoovered and our space is fairly clean. No need for a pillow even, heh, just kaput until we'd rested enough to make our way for dinner and back. 'Twas a much better rest as body didn't feel heavy although both arms were numb by then.

OK - time to bayar hutang.


adrien said...

didn't help with all those DAG talks did it.

oops? :p

Sam said...

Aiyo, kenapa sampai begitu... *hugs*

Try to get more sleep la dear, don't go play until forget time.

hrugaar said...

Sleeping on floor at work eh? Okay yeah, I confess I've done that too. Hee. Hope you've had better sleep by now. (Um, what's bayar hutang?)

Jason said...


I'm still sleepy although I slept approximately 2 times the hours you slept.


David The Man said...

Go drink some coffee la... go and ask that favour from 3-seconder because she is a "Starbucks drug pusher"... teehehehe... wakakaka...

urmmm... dear Ru, "bayar hutang" are 2 Malay words, which literally mean "to pay off the debts". Here, in his case, however, the "bayar hutang" means "to get more sleeps which he was deprived of previously". Got the meanings, Ru?

hrugaar said...

Thanks david™, I get the theory- but I'm so sleepy I think need to do the practical as well, heh.

drownedglass said...

OMG, someone's been indiscriminately sleeping around... quickies in the car! In the bed! On the chaise lounge!

Be nice, and don't leave any stains ok.

Janvier said...

Adrien: Nope. Oops, heh. No more laptop in bed for a while. :P

Sam: Well there were reasons for the late night up. :P And no it wasn't for play.

Hrugaar: Yep we did. Get your rest now, ru. But maybe not on the floor.

Jason: Har. Fishing lagi.

David The Man: We've been having our caffeine cocktail at work already: Earl Grey, grounded beans, Nescafe...3-Seconder and us are avid Starbucks supporters, only thing is if she was to send us a cuppa it'll take 6 hours to reach us.

Drownedglass: We're very nice (and clean), no worries on that. Indiscriminate is right - anytime, anywhere, but not anyone. :P