Cushy Talk
Oh, hey there leather sofas! What're you doing out on the porch? Did mum lug you guys ou- oh, movers eh? You guys going somewhere? Where are we gonna sit then? What are we doing home in the middle of the afternoon? Well it's our lunch break, and we needed to get something we'd left in our room...don't change the subject. Just what're you doing out here?
Eh? You guys are being replaced? Oh wait, mum did say something about that...
Oh well, goodbye've been with the family some 12 years or so now, since we met in Klang all the way to where we are now. Of course, being with us so long we have come to overlook your dark patches of ingrained grime/oil/dirt, your little holes, the way you heat up in the blistering afternoons. You've been around to see two Poms and the Wee Wog grow, and had them jumping all over you too. We won't be able to sleep on you anymore, especially like of late where after we've finished supper we'll just flop down on you and be dead to the world in under 5 minutes - so much faster compared to sleeping in our own bed. Now you shall be leaving our home.
Goodbye! Don't be a stranger now!
Ow. No, it's okay, some dust got in our eye, that's all.
And hey there newbies! We wonders how protective mum will be of y'all. No eating near you guys, no propping the feet up, use the pillows, no dogs allowed on the seats...we hopes it isn't going to be like that, how are we ever gonna be good intimate friends? And we'll have to wait until somebody (preferably the ironic situation where it's mum herself) has an accident and, like, spill something on you.
Oh darn, look. They're here with the straightjacket again. We'll talk to you later.
dude you don't need straightjacket, just an appointment with the local psychiatrist... on a cushy chair, of course... LOL
Ooooo. Those chairs look awesome! I want new furniture in my room too. :P
Wow... new sofas?! Looking good.
Hey, it's scary to talk to them, OK?! For once I thought you're like the tv host or narrator trying to promote the cushion or what?!
Anyway, enjoy your new ... furniture.
Aik Yong: We should be thankful that we don't have a superstrength alter-ego looking back at us in the mirror, we guess.
QR: Unfortunately they don't turn out to be as comfy as the previous set. Aren't you getting a totally new room btw?
Ryan: Don't worry, we only talk to them in our head. :)
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