Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ustjay Ecausebay Eway Osay Eefray

First, we summon this:

Ethay Atinlay Igpay.

Ownay incesay oininjay ethay gymay eway avehay eenbay omingcay omehay atelay anday eatingay innerday aboutay arounday entay. Osay ivengay atthay esethay astlay otway aysday eway avehay otnay eenbay oinggay otay ethay gymay, eway indfay atthay eway avehay ay itbay ofay eefray imetay onay ouray andshay.

Utbay insteaday ofay usingay atthay imetay otay oday omethingsay usefulay, ikelay ompletecay ambigramay ojectspray, oray inishfay ouray ooksbay, oray atchcay upay onay ouray eepslay, eway avehay eenbay ayingplay Eldazay's inimay-archeryay-amegay onstopnay.

Itay isay ay implesay amegay atthay eway ancay endspay eightay undredhay Upeesray, atay entytway Upeesray ay amegay, anday akemay ackbay enfoldtay oray oremay atthay amountay inay easurestray oray ipshay artspay.



Right. Just because we so free.

*Taken from the anime Azumanga Daioh, where it's a tonguetwister translated as 'bus gas explosion'.


hrugaar said...

idDay ouyay inishfay eldaZay hantomPay ourglaaHay amegay ownay, oray ustjay etgay idesay rackedtay ybay addictiveay archeryay amegay alay? ryTa otay etgay omesay oodgay leepsay ootay ovelay. *isskay* ;P

Sam said...

Ootay reefay ren'taay ouyay? Ouyay efinitelyday eednay otay oday omethingsay lseeay. *ibblenay ouryay areay*

Uray siay ightray. LEEPSAY OREMAY! (robablypay hetay ausecay foay uddensay igpay atinlay :P)

Aik Yong said...

Asketbay, astedway myay imetay!

MrBunnyBan said...

Oooooohay, iggyay! Utbay eway eferpray irrelssquay. Erethay uchmay utercay.

savante said...

Whatever it is! That's the cutest pig ever!

Will said...

Ohay ymay odgay, ymay atamay ulinggay enwhey iyay eadray ouryay ostpay. ankthay oodnessgay itay asway ortshay.

eatnay ardcay oughthey. Iyay inkthay iyay avehay ithay alsoyay.

William said...

Banyaknya "kerbau pendek"...

Have a sudden hankering for roast pork rice.

Little Prince said...

complicated email puzzle! i ain't sure which one to send the blog reading invi... pengz

hrugaar said...

Yeah, william, we too - but make mine a whole wild boar! :D

Aryaduta said...

I'm getting a headache trying to read this post and all of the comments! :-P

I've never been very good at Pig Latin. It involves way too much thinking for me! :-P

Thanks for visiting my blog the other day, and just to let you know, the second installment is up! :-)

Janvier said...

Ugaarhray: Eway inishedfay ethay amegay earlieray. Ownay ustjay ayingplay ethay archeryay amegay otay ollectcay ipshay artspay.

Amsay: Itay asway oneay ofay ouray eefray ightsnay.

Aikay Ongyay: Akakakaway! Omecay anday anceday anday ovelay ethay ishfay!

Anbay: Isthay isay Unhingeday!

Avantesay: It'say anay Atinlay Igpay!

Ingedmanway: Aven'tay eckedchay ackbay ouray ardscay otay eesay ifay eway avehay itay ootay.

Illiamway: Oastray oarbay ibsray!

Anielhenryday: Illway emailay ouyay aterlay, okayay?

Aryadutayay: On'tday orryway, eway eldomsay oday isthay. Allshay ooklay intoay otheray odday iringwray stylesay. Ewnay ogblay ostpay, ayyay!

adrien said...


David The Man said...

ok... break the code liao! I noticed something... all words end with 'ay' and the first letter of the word is placed between the last letter and 'ay', so that it looks something like this:
"koay... reakbay hetay odecay iaolay! Iay oticednay omethingsay... llaay ordsway dneay ithway 'yaay' ndaay hetay irstfay etterlay foay hetay ordway siay lacedpay etweenbay hetay astlay etterlay ndaay 'yaay', osay hattay tiay ookslay omethingsay ikelay histay:"

Janvier said...

Adrienay: Azylay uggerbay.

Avidday ethay anmay: Almostay otgay itay. It'say Igpay Atinlay. Ogay Ooglegay itay upay otay eesay owhay itay actuallyay orksay.

Anday ostay everyoneay understooday itay. :D