Generally the first bookmark our books gain would be the book's receipt. But not all of them have receipts for bookmarks - we don't just buy one book sometimes, and we've gotten a few more books as presents. After that, the books slowly pick up bits and pieces as we buy stuff and the likes - after all, the book acts as a handy wallet when we need to stash stuff away quickly.
Still - we can't say that the miscellenous bookmarks are a permanant fixture for a book. When someone borrows a book from us, we'll scan the book and remove all bookmarks first - cash especially - and transfer them into another book. When we get our books back then we'll reshuffle bookmarks here and there again.
The interesting thing about having so much of these things in our books? We'll pick back up an old book for a reread, come across an old receipt with the actual date we bought the book, the feather we laminated from our college days, even a faded thermal receipt that'll have us wondering about its origins (most of them quite likely to be Starbucks receipts for a Hazelnut Latte). It's sometimes not just a book we're reading, it's also a trip down Memory Lane.
And so we decided to experiment with our book wrapping.
First time around, we made use of whatever materials we had on hand, which was Ikea's ISIG paper string...thingy.
What we needed was something similar to that we came across in the Reader's Digest Select Editions. Narrow and made from polyester or something. Happily we found a roll of ribbon that would do in Papier, while shopping for more scrapbook paper for the sis.
There, the evolution of book wrapping. Now with ribbon bookmark! What about in the future - pockets?
hmmm ... new look..:P
wah! new skin again!
ehh..what about the citibank bookmark? ;P
I remember last time i used to create a bookmark on my own. It's usually pencil shaped, miss those times... :)
wasn't it the citibank platinum card?
Lifebook: Yeah - so far we're okay with this template.
FeR: Terpaksa. The other one keep having a box saying the picture's missing.
Daohui: Pencil shaped. Can it write as well? ;P
Henry Yeo: That's not the only bookmark we have what. :)
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