Monday, July 09, 2007

Alone In The Tower Of Solitude

There's this which we read yesterday in the Star Fit4Life...which talked about loneliness.

Here's how they put it.

'In our society, where extroverts make up three-quarters of the population, loners (except Henry David Thoreau) are pegged as creepy or pathetic.'

Before we start the rage the writer goes on to say that 'there are soloists who can function just fine in the world - they simply prefer travelling through their own interior universe.'

Okay, we'll that one pass - weird is better than being creepy or pathetic. But that was a narrow scrape for the writer.

The article goes on to say that there's the loner-by-preference: who needs their 'time-outs' - these soloists (a much better-sounding word) find their timeouts recuperative, and aren't antisocial because of some phobia. This form of loneliness is good okay.

Then they go on to say that these soloists have 'increased sensitivity to all kinds of emotional interations and sensory cues' - okay, this bit doesn't seem to fit us personally 'cause we're oblivious to our surroundings (or maybe because we refuse to wear our spectacles).

And there's the enforced loner, which, is not good. Enforced loners, according to the article, 'long to spend time with people, but shyness and anxiety inhibit them from doing so.'

It was an interesting read (sourced from Psychology Today Magazine/Premium Health News Services/TMSI). Because much as we proclaim our bachelor-for-life motto and our doing things solo, there's been something that didn't feel right in our semi-hermetic lifestyle. And now we perceive that there may be some enforced loneliness disguising as introverted soloism.

Hmmm this is disturbing. It corrupts our zen. We shall have to investigate this matter.

But thankfully it doesn't affect work-soloism, as that one is voluntary (oh the joy of having lunch by ourselves). In fact happiness today is having the entire office to ourselves, our Tower of Solitude. Absolutely no one else in the office but us. Bliss. We turn off half the office lights, and enjoy the quiet. Now if only the phone doesn't ring at all.

Oh, by the way, we wonders about our daemon. Introverted like us?


William said...

Tower of Solitude? You working in my office now? :)

Janvier said...

Yours deprives you of internet connection if we remembers. Ours deprives us of physical company. :D

No wonder the term ToS sounded so familiar. Sudah bagi you trademark.