Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Book Juggling

Honestly, we're guilty of starting on a book, only to probably put it down sometime, pick up another book (probably because we left first book elsewhere), head into a bookstore, buy a third book, let third book override what we were reading (most likely to be priority read book, this), finish third book, head back to first book, juggle with second book, then finish one then the other.

Although, must note: we cannot juggle The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy - by the time we get back to wherever we were in LotR, we're sure to have lost the entire plot. This happened before - we started reading it in Form 2 or so, and by the time we returned to the book in...Form 5? Or was it the first sem of Uni, just before The Fellowship Of The Ring was due on Christmas?...we've forgotten what page we were, what chapter, whether we were in Book 1 or Book 2...you get the drift. So, back to square one with that, and no juggling.

Ohshit. Where's the LotR book now? It's not on the shelf. Did we loan it to someone? Diediediediedie...

Anyways, as of last weekend, we were juggling Frankenstein (on permanant haitus until we have the heart to pick up that piece of cardboard), Dracula, The God Delusion, and a second reread of The Deathly Hallows. And there's still Train Man (almost forgot about it, having stuffed it into our already-full cupboard!) and The Dark Materials to throw into the foray. Thank goodness Pratchett hasn't announced any new Discworld arrivals yet.

Oh, while l'agneau orange introduced us to LibraryThing ages back, we'd always put off adding our collection in, mainly because we didn't want to open our book cupboard and lug the lot of books out to mark down. Not to mention, being slightly obsessive on this point, that we'd want it to show the exact covers as what we own so we'll be searching via ISBN (easiest way) and will refuse to add it if it isn't. Although, honestly, we're just worried that if we start taking books out of the cupboard by the loads, we'll end up spending more time in front of it rearranging back books.

This was the shelf in April 2005. There's even less space now.

Gonna make a start at it tho'. Oh, and gotta remember that LibraryThing only allows a max of some 50 books or something per account...

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