Friday, June 08, 2007

He Want, Want He?

Okay, title sounds just downright silly. But it does tell what to expect, doesn't it? Anyway given that our friends have seen how the tablet counter works, another Puerto Rico owner wanted our MkI.'s our MkI.

We can make you a MkII like RoB's though, ambigram included. And so we did. Let's leave names out of it and see how well it comes out with the ambigrams first though.

The initial sketch. Done sometime last Friday in Mage Cafe. Surprised at doing so because we were busy playing Condottiere at the time.

This ambigram took the longest time to template, as it had the most measurements - we'd to take a couple of breaks just to ease our aching back from all that hunching over our table. And the best bit? We weren't satisfied with it totally. Still, it was something. And we shuddered to think that we had to do it again on the tablet counter X(

Then the day before just as we were waiting at the traffic lights on our way home an idea hit. And while we were scrabbling for our pencil and paper in the car the lights turned green. Managed to scrawl the necessary bit and left it at that. Thankfully it was enough for us to sketch and draft out the new one in far less time than it took to create the first one (although it isn't as symmetrical but we'll shut one eye).

It's simpler and cleaner than the first one. We were far happier with this one and we almost lost it in the book casualty yesterday.

Finally, made the tablet counter out of bright yellow mounting board (that's the actual term for the board we use!), used blue ink so that it'll turn green (on purpose) and traced the new ambigram on another piece of paper before transferring it.

Now, how much are we gonna charge him for this? We knows: he's holding our Canon in D Variations CD hostage for far too long now. He says its buried somewhere at home here and he's got no time to find it as he's working outstation. Also he owes us money. And must remember he has our Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 and our Sailormoon Super S DVDs. Dammit, must make list of things he's borrowed from us! Gotta make sure he returns back at least 2 items first.

Oh, and he can buy us a drink of our choice to cover expenses and service charge. RoB did.


Legolas said...

Seriously, I really don't know what you do for a living... Not a clue.

nagfa said...


a steven reflection (instead of a contrived ambigram) will work easily and readably well.. just to share.


Janvier said...

Legolas: We had a good laugh reading that, Leggie. As for our jobbo, we honestly will keep it out of the blog, 'just-in'case'. Tell you someday.

Nagfa: Thanks for the tip - as it is we're just keeping to contrived ambigrams first. Practise practise practise.