Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Bedding Down

We find that we fall asleep faster on the hall couch at night compared to our bed. Of course, this only applies to the late hours when we're alone in the hall - there's no way we'll sleep there during the daytime when mum will have the telly on, and where leather and hot weather becomes your worse napping partners.

Given our occasional late suppers, VCDs/DVDs to watch or even for a bit of quiet cave time with a book, we'll head downstairs, make a cuppa and drape ourselves on the 2-seater. The 2-seater is just perfect for most things: it's facing the telly, the coffee table is just in front and within reach, our head is propped up on one end and the feet on the other.

It's so peaceful that we'll just drop off only to wake up between 4am - 6am, wash up our cup, turn off the lights and head back to our bedroom that's been kept cool by the running A/C to snooze for another couple of hours. How unfortunate that, while it's easy to drop off on the couch, it doesn't feel as if we've gotten much rest sleeping there.

Maybe that's why we tend to sleep for 12 hours during the weekends...

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