Sunday, April 27, 2008

House Party

Reading Saki and on things like house parties make us wonder if it's still done nowadays - the kind of house parties the rich upper crust are able of throwing.

"Lord and Lady So-and-So invites you for a weekend house party at The Sanctuary."

And it's the kind of party where you go over to their mansion, be installed in a guest room, and do nothing for the entire time you're there but mingle, play bridge and billiards, eat and drink, and sleep. All service is taken care of by the butler, cook, and servants.

We don't see ourselves getting the opportunity to be a guest for one of these kind of house parties - we don't know anyone rich enough to have their own mansion where all guests can be installed into separate guest rooms without sharing. The closest that ever came to this was our Camland Getaway at 'Ward's relative's apartment.

So it was rather refreshing for us to have a birthday party celebrated at QR's pad this year. And counting from our GMail (those that we've tagged 'Birthdays' at least), he's got some 640 emails (correct us if we're wrong?) planning his birthday and nothing coming to fruition. The poor boy had to organize his birthday party and had the plans confirmed under 100 emails. Anyways he now takes the record for having the most emails for planning his birthday. We wonders if the next one will reach 1000...

Vast difference from birthdays organized by otousan and lad, tho'. Email 1: Venue and date chosen. Email 2: Presents bought and photographed for all so that they know what it is. Email 3: Pictures of the party, uploaded online for all to see. Email 4: Payment breakdown of dinner and/or presents bill, please pay to Maybank2u account number, thank you.

Then again, different group different culture.

QR decided on a steamboat and potluck - so there was plenty of food and some booze. Adrien whipped up BMWs and we set up the Wii, then the party was running on its own without much effort required (well gone are the days where we all sit around playing Pass The Parcel or Musical Chairs). There was The Group Playing Wii (Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and Super Smash Bros Brawl turned out good party games here), The Group Playing PSP (for movies or Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core), The Group Playing 20 Questions, and The Group In QR's Room Gossiping.

And everyone was not restricted to a certain group but switched around from one group to another (well the Wii could only support four players at a time, there were near 20 of us). All in all we'd say that it was a successful and happenin' house party.

And at least Alex's prediction that we would be going to somewhere that starts with the letter 'I' and ends with 'nies' didn't come true. But if ever there is an Irannianies that would open we'll take him there for his birthday then. XD

Happy birthday QR!


savante said...

Didn't you all stay over for Christmas?

Henry Yeo said...

why don't you move into a new house every other month?

Shuku said...

The problem with having a Saki party is that you invariably run into Lord So and So whom you want to cheerfully throttle for the boredom. And Reginalds. And you need peacocks.

*angelic whistling*


Alex said...

Professor Trelawney is a fluke! Well, we all had a great party!!!! :P

Ganymede said...

"And everyone was not restricted to a certain group but switched around from one group to another."

If only this was an orgy. :P

William said...

An orgy would take only 1 phone call.

Janvier said...

Savante: Indeed we did! Almost forgot about that. When's the next one?

Henry Yeo: That's more of a housewarming party right...

Shuku: So long as Reginald and Clovis stay out of our parties we'll be fine!

Alex: And for your next party we go makan at Irannianies ok? XD

QR: You didn't say hor?

William: Wah someone got contacts!