Thursday, January 17, 2008


Oh, Schadenfreude, huh?
What's that, some kinda Nazi word?

Yup! It's German for "happiness at the misfortune of others!"

So yes well there are times where we can be notably evil - especially at the expense of other people. But it's without spite! You go through life's little comedies without malice - it's funnier that way. That's how we can laugh at ourselves when we pokai so fairly recently.

Anyways. It so happened to be one of those rare occasions where we arrive home in time to eat together with the parents (take note people this is one of the shortcomings/advantages of going cardio classes at the gym, you tend to eat dinner late). Of course we tend to become rather tacit during dinner but somehow there was something to save the day.

American Idol auditions.

One of the few common interests the entire family has. Although we must admit that the last time we really sat down for American Idol must have, if it was for the auditions, we think it was for Season 2, and for top 8/semi-finals/later episodes, Season 5. We never watched the finals or saw the results before for any season. We have stopped worshipping the telly for tv series or reality shows for a long time.

But since the auditions were showing, dinner went by quickly and everyone was soon in front having their jollies at the mercy of the terrible delusional poor singers (and sometimes Simon). This was the auditions in Texas and we must say we never really saw an authentic Southern feller fit the stereotype before. Has the drawl and looks and sealed the deal when during the interview he started chewing on a toothpick. Thought they don't exist no more. And there was a lovely looking lassie who did amazing impersonations.

Still. American Idol auditions is aaalllll about the...other people who didn't make it. And to see how they just didn't make it. Makes your day feel a bit better. Ok, we lie. It makes your day feel hell lots better.

Of course, it also happened that it was the only show the family has sat together to watch in a long time. :P Dad watches golf. Mum follows football. Both watch the Chinese Network that drives sis and us away. We still have our Dilbert DVD to finish watching.

Make it a record. Tonight also happens to be the first time we ever watched Grey's Anatomy. So now we know. And actually we might be interested in it too, but only if we are too free.

Back to the telly now that everyone's done with Astro. Time to wave the Wiimote.


adrien said...

i just love family tv nights. especially when the grandpa goes "eeeeeeeee bulu dada boleh buat carpet tu!"

Sam said...

OMG. Adrien's gramps are funny!

On a side note, I'm having insomnia so I'm checking out YouTube and Chaser's War on Everything. Hilarious that - will probably write about that tomorrow. :P

Henry Yeo said...

now I just wish they was something my family could sit down and watch all the time.

But Phoenix and CCTV4 vs Animax and CNN.....

Jason said...

LOL at Adrien's gramp's comment!

Rarely can sit and watch TV with family. Sis want AEC, mom and dad want Wah Lai Toi, me want AFC.

Unknown said...

Your mom watches Football?
I see where your niche comes from.

William said...

Gary Coleman?! Masyallah...

Mum and I only watch Malay dramas together-- preferably with bitchy, buxom women in 2mm thick makeup.

Ganymede said...

Ah American Idol. Me hearts Simon when he's not screwing me about my singing. :P

MrBunnyBan said...

Of course, most of them know they can't make it but really just want to get on television, knowing that Idol will pick them out and show them to the grand trio cos they suck. So in a way.... they really don't suck.

Janvier said...

Adrien: Eeeeeeeee!

Sam: Or we could wait for more home-made productions?

Henry Yeo: Try American Idol Auditions! Come to think of it the entire family used to watch the 7.30pm game shows during the pre-Astro days!

Jason: Yeah family telly time is rare innit?

Bong: Well at least she doesn't bet. :P

William: Why is it suddenly we think of you in Sepet pulak? :S

QR: About your singing or until you're singing?

Ban: Oh but there are some who were quite in denial - till security was called in to lead the contestant 'to a safe place'! XD