Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gales Of Gossip

Well this post is actually very much an inside joke thing.

Trust enough to know that gossip is gossip (and don't we all love gossip?) and how you choose to react to it differs depending on the situation. In our case, we've actually let whatever gossip go about without saying anything (think "No Comment") to anyone who asked...yet. We just give 'em the innocently-perplexed look that says, "Don't think we follow you..."

Enter Diamond King to throw in extra spice. This is what happens when you give people free reign to add to the gossip. But once again, we aren't gonna say anything except that he owes us BIG TIME once this blows over. Still, since the bits of gossip where we're involved seems harmless enough, why deny people their bit of fun?


hrugaar said...

I do hope it remains harmless. Oh, and diamonds are combustible, or so I am led to believe.

Lifebook said...

So cute... Nice touch..LOL

savante said...

The Diamond King? Of all names! :P

Why don't you make the rumours true then?

Jason said...

Cool drawing. You can be a part time cartoonist.

Sam said...

Oh I love that! Maybe you should do comics in your free time. :P

William said...

Consider submitting that piece of work into the Best New Manga Competition. :P

Ted said...

Have you considered a change in careers?

adrien said...

LOL! love it.

now you can draw how shep escaped the pages and into my world! oh did i say my world? i mean ours. :p

Janvier said...

Hrugaar: Combustible only at very high temperatures. And it's harmless.

Lifebook: Heard the rumours and thought of this!

Savante: It's not permanant. We just needed a name to fit the picture.

And we bide our time.

Jason: Where can? Our framing is horrible, the fonts are bad, the inking is terrible...

Sam: If we can find free time! Plus needs inspiration.

William: Under the Primary School Category maybe can. :P

Ted: Selling backside probably could earn a fair bit initially...

Adrien: It's probably in the sketch books somewhere already - next time go inspect it! :P

Alex said...

Wakakakaka..... lawak gile....

Janvier said...

Alex: Hehehe. Memang inside joke mah.