Sunday, August 05, 2007

Camwhore Club

Hmmm. We were never one for clubs and societies during our secondary school days. Only because during Form Five where we found out that we'll have testimonials to receive showing just how active we were co-curricularwise (is there such a word?). And so we'd join in some clubs, served in a few positions, did our time.

Little did we know what fun the Photography Club could be. Oh heck, Kelab Fotografi would never have been as fun as the Camwhore Club.

There's no joining fees. And you don't even need to own a camera. Camwhore model already can.

In this club you'll learn how to whore for the lens as a Photo Poser - your makeup a thick skin and the powers of Photoshop (also a skill to learn in the Club!). Professional cameramen will direct you so that you will shine in full glory. Flinch not when faced with the protuding lens of the DSLR, and make the surreptitious shots from the slimcams and phonecams part of your natural surroundings!

As for photo-taking - the Camera Clickers consists of DSLR Dominants, the Slimcam Savvys, the Phonecam Pros. Owning an iXus 55 we fall into the Slimcam Savvys that, unfortunately, is only good at Shooting Shakey Shots (Liam, yer not the only one with shakey hands, fret not). Which means, once we've uploaded onto our PC half the time is spent deleting pictures and leaving us with bare minimals that we've to make do. Thankfully there are gems littered here and there.

Meanwhist we've the DSLR Dominants to take care of the heavy work. Hearing that our recent entire shoot took about some 300 pictures on one of the Dominant's camera, we cringes at the amount of downloadwork it might take to get all the photos. Pass you guys empty CDs you guys burn for us can?

Image Idealists will then work their wonders, turning raw material into the works of art that they are.

Members were not limited to a single category - most fall into two categories while so far there's one working full time in all three! And there's talk of opening yet another category - the Youtube Yuppies. This one may take some time to work out.

And how do you know if the club was successful? Proud to say that we'd a stranger wanting to join during our final photo shoot, and he brought his own DSLR too!

Zen. Lying is not one of the Seven Sins. What does that say about this post?


Henry Yeo said...

You are so not zen in that photo

Alex said...

Camwhore Club is quite a prestigious club, glad you're in! :P

William said...

The Zen of Camwhoring is.....

"Snap and Forget".

Anonymous said...

prestigious indeed. whose the president ar? :p

Janvier said...

Henry: But we are one with ourselves!

Alex: The club is one of its kind, we must say. So glad.

William: Forget? How can? Nanti funny pose pix will come back and haunt you one day. :D

Ezra: President, we don't rightly know...democratic club?