Friday, September 11, 2009

Janvier Soldat And The Clouded Word

We were done installing the iPod Touch software 3.1.1 today when we were thinking of a new wallpaper for the iPod Touch. So for something different we recalled something we saw in Magic: The Gathering's Arcana section and decided to give it a shot.

Headed over to Wordle's and plunked in our blog address, and came up with this.

We even printed it out to probably use as a folder cover or summat. But a white background wallpaper on the iPod Touch just would do, so we made another one with black.

Much better.


Jaded Jeremy said...

Yah the black's one much better.

cYiD said...


Janvier said...

Jaded Jeremy: Black goes well with many things!

cYiD: Generated, then. :)