Thursday, August 06, 2009

Janvier Soldat And The Police Report

Some Saturdays ago, Janvier was out and about town, namely the Bangsar area. Having been informed that Bangsar Shopping Centre was finally opened, he planned to go wander about BSC and Bangsar Village and finishing with dinner somewhere, with the Chief in tow.

Window shopping is fine, really, but sometimes the best way for window shopping to remain as window shopping, you need the correct company. Already an evangelist for the 'Don't Think, Just Buy!' movement, it would not have gone well if Janvier headed out alone or with other members of the movement.

Upon reaching home at the end of the day, Janvier suspected that he was missing something. A card holder.

"Accio card holder!"

Nothing. There was a perplexed look on Janvier's face as he scanned his bedroom.

"We're pretty sure we brought it along. Maybe Aidan has it," he thought.

When Aidan turned out empty-handed too, Janvier got slightly worried. He sent word to the Chief, who also turned up with zero results.

There was no choice but for Janvier to zip back to all the places he'd been to ask about for his card holder. Not only were there various membership cards, but to keep the bulk out of his wallet Janvier had also placed in a few credit cards in said card holder.

He was vexed with the fruitless results...that he went to the gym to work it off and sink into escapism and denial.

By Monday Janvier decided that he had to call the companies to have the cards blocked.

A quick conversation with Citibank and Janvier was informed that the RM50 service charge for blocking and replacing his card would be waived when he sends them a police report. Allianz Alliance told him the same thing. RHB replaced it FOC. To Janvier's relief, there were no charges over the weekend when the cards were missing.

Deciding to make the police report (his first ever!), Janvier stepped into a police station one fine afternoon, feeling unsure of what to do. Police at the counter were seeing to civilians, and so Janvier took a seat and waited, certain that they'd have noticed his presence and would summon him soon. With a clear conscience (some scrying previously had revealed to Janvier that he has no traffic offenses with the police) Janvier waited his turn.

What would look like a fairly quick process of explaining to the police the situation and lodging a report took 2 hours as Janvier had to wait for a family to finish explaining to the police about how their child was bullied by an entire school of student and teachers to how there were murderous intent against mummy dearest.

"Think of the service charges being waived...think of the service charges being waived..." Janvier thought to himself while wishing how he had a Time-Turner.

Soon enough it was Janvier's turn to make his report, and Janvier resisted snatching the keyboard from the policeman because the policeman was fingertyping. Next time, Janvier thought, we will draft out the report and then come here. Although Lord forbid that there should be any next time. We wonder if we can make the report in English?

All in all, the police report took 15 minutes - and Janvier soon had owls deliver it to the companies.


nase said...

sorry to hear that. what a drag yeah to have to lose the cards and then the ordeal at the police station? hugz! next time just leave it to the Chief to pay all bills! and I have to add a comment about school bullies, lolz, sorry professional duties. those are real problems and a reality. we have seen victims being bullied, physically assaulted and harassed by teachers and students alike.

savante said...


Waitaminute, am I in the shopping movement too?

Little Prince said...

omg. i did that last week too!!! i wanted to shoot the policeman there and then... he made me write down everything... so the details were with him right... BUT he still kept asking me the same questions... mother father him! and like yours, finger typing... thank god in the end i won the case!
*like who can ever out debate with me when i am pissy, right? LOLS!*

RPMnut said...

I would've just forked out the RM50.....:P

MrBunnyBan said...

I haaaaate police reports. Especially when there's an accident an the guy is looking for a bribe.

William said...

So ngam one. I left my Citibank Mastercard at the merchant on Monday. :(.

Janvier said...

Nase: We actually do realize that it may be a problem, but to which agency should this be reported to? Ministry of Education? Police?

Savante: Hmmm. We've never really shopped with you no?

Silly Little Prince: Jangan jangan you curse the policeman too! :P

RPMNut: An unnecessary RM100 for two cards!

Ban: Er. If you're making a police report already, what do you mean by bribe?

William: So cham your case! Any way to waive off the fee?