Boromir finds the Hobbits in Bree and agrees to lead them to Rivendell, but in an ambush by Uruk-hais Boromir fell foul whilst defending the Hobbits. Elsewhere Gimli skirmishes a Ringwraith and is pierced by a Nazgul Blade. Haldir joins Legolas and Gimli as they leave Rivendell to search for the Hobbits, but the company were met by orcs as they left the sanctuary of Imladris. The Nazgul wound proves fatal for Gimli, and Haldir too was lost in the battle against orcs.
The Hobbits, lost on their own, were doomed as Uruk-hais relentlessly hound their footsteps. All hope was lost. Sam and Pippin did not live to see the Great Anduin river, and Merry was taken when he held up a sword in defiance. The Shadow descended at last upon Frodo...
Welcome to Ring Fever Week! Dang, it sounds a bit MaRo saying that. But yes, this week is all about The Lord Of The Rings - you have been warned.
So last weekend we were given an alternate storyline to the Lord Of The Rings. No, not the secret diaries. But as mentioned above. This is what happened in our playtesting of the Lord Of The Rings Trading Card Game.
We happened to wander into Outpost Cineleisure and lo and behold, right on their counter there was a box of various LotR expansion boosters, and a Two Towers 2-player Starter set that caught our eye. What made that package interesting was that the set came with two starters, a CD with a playable demo, playmat, and all that for RM30.
We put it down to Outpost getting rid of old stocks as the game has stopped print already. Otherwise just a normal starter would cost RM30 and this kind of starter set would be around RM50 or so. So now we've got a better idea how the game works (since the only time we ever played it was just once with 'Nic yonks ago, and he trashed our Elf deck soundly), and a PC version to play (altho' it only feature the Theoden and Gandalf decks).
And it's a shame that we never did manage to get our hands on some sets of Middle Earth too, the previous LotR collectible card game.
Personally, this is the height of the ring fever: War of the Ring baby!
OOK's game! to quote Jason :p
omg.. you are such a mega fan of LOTR arent you!? hehehe and here I thought those were MTG card when i saw the pics
Aik Yong: We'll wait for someone to showcase and teach first! :P
Serm: What Orang Orang Kaya's game! We got it cheap!
Jase: No lah small fan only! :p
i have the middle earth original, unlimited and a few expansion.
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