Friday, March 06, 2009

The Comfortable Case Of Benjamin Button

You know, when GSC had their Gold Class movies, we always never did manage to try it out, even once. It was always, "Let's wait for a good show that's worth it," but in the end there never was one, heh. We did try out the [whatwasitcalledtheoneatgardenskahorsunway?], a cheaper option where the Chief and us watched Dark Knight.

So it happens that during Chinese New Year sis and us on a spur decided to go try out Cineleisure's Platinum Suites. Sis and us bought our tickets, preordered our food and drinks, then headed down to walk around the Curve before our movie, Underworld 3, started.

Only as we were going in for our movie did we see the lounge area meant for Platinum ticket holders. Ogawa massage chairs, free wifi, free drinks...for RM40 per ticket it was a bit of a waste not to have spend some time enjoying the perks. But that was all right, because the seats in the theatre itself made up for it. How we love the comfortable recliner seats and spacious settings. The staff brought in our food for us as we were getting comfy, and it wasn't long before we tried taking photos of the seats.

No, there wasn't any need to worry about feeling suaku as everybody else was doing it too!

We told the Chief about it and it wasn't long before we found out about RM25 shows on Sundays and made a date for Benjamin Button. The plan? Take full advantage of the lounge, then watch the 3-hour long movie in comfort.

Sunday afternoon proved to be a good choice to watch the movie as the lounge was pretty much empty, leaving us to monopolize a pair of massage chairs. Unlike the Osim chairs like 'Nic's, where sitting on one would elicit purrs of pleasure, the Ogawa chairs were a pair of serious Swedish masseur bitches. It was still good but hell loads more painful than expected!

After that, movie time. Two comfy recliner seats in the middle aisle, along with comfort food in the form of potato wedges (much recommended!), onion rings and popcorn. It was rather remiss of us, however, to not pack something for the Chief to wear to keep warm.

Overall the comfiness of it all helped ease the fact that the movie is depressing, although the movie isn't as bad as the book, which starts off lighthearted and then sucker punches you to tears near the end.

Would we do this again? Of course. Just a matter of whether we would try GSC's Gold Class for comparison, and whether we would be tempted to take up the Platinum M
embership thing.


Lifebook said...

Why you need to pack anything? Use your body heat will do. LOL

Little Prince said...

wahhhh~ posh nya!

savante said...

Obviously more involved with the chairs than the movie! :)

Jason said...

Let's go try this again but don't tell Nivlac ya.

Fable Frog said...

Wah~ so beautiful and certainly relaxing! ah~ worth it for long movies~

Janvier said...

Lifebook: The recliners are big for one but not for two!

Silly Little Prince: But the price not too posh! :D

Savante: Of course there's that initial pushing up and down...lying down or sitting up...till we're comfortably settled in.

Jason: You just made that comment sound like we're doing something behind Nivlac's back!

Fable Frog: Oh yes definitely worth it! Just must make sure don't fall asleep only!

Little Prince said...

you mean... it's too cheap???
plz dun tell them that k. :P

Serm said...

oh wow...hmm not sure if they have something like this in penang wakakka

too bad they din have boys in loincloth to bring u ur food.

Henry Yeo said...


William said...

Tak pernah cuba leh.

Word Ver: billa

deeperanddeeper said...

wah! i'll need that! Always sakit kaki, sakit punggung, sakit tulang belakang after every movie....

Alex said...

You're rich! I knew it!

Henry Yeo said...

just went for "Marley and Me" today at cineleasure in the Premium Class...must be cheapo next time.

Paul Rainbowpluboy said...

Just blog-hopping around and found your blog. Nice.

Is that really what they have there? It's really cool, looks comfortable too. Now, I would have slept in those chairs if I ever sit on it while watching movies.

Mr.D said...

Interesting movie experience. Would like to try it.

Janvier said...

Silly Little Prince: It's reasonably priced! It's reasonably priced! But of course they can do better. :P

Serm: Well if there were then we'd like them with metal collars chained near our chairs so they can always be at our beck and call. They should also be fanning us while they're there then. :P

Henry Yeo: Iketeru. ;)

William: There's always a first for everything!

Deeperanddeeper: Sure not sakit for some other reason ha? ;P

Alex: Hello! We're poor! If we were rich we would have a brand spanking desktop for our gaming needs, an iMac for our pleasure, and a MacBook Air / Pro for bringing around!

Paul: Hi there! Now, if you fell asleep in those chairs while watching a movie you'd probably be horrified later on at wasting your money hahaha... :D

Darren: If you can, do!