Malacca Merrymakin' 2008
Are we pulling a williamnyk? Well we are tardy in posting a couple of events but best we jot them down before we forget.
And so to end the year we had a Christmas party at the Dragon Doctor's again, only to celebrate it after Christmas instead of before. But it's still the season and everyone was merry, with Secret Santa presents to give out and lots of chitchat (not like we all don't do that on GTalk already) and alcohol to imbibe...ho ho hooooo joy.
Initially we sorta thought that there was gonna be some sort of convoy going down to Malacca with at least three cars going down (with us, the Chief and Junior heading down in Aidan of course) but Amiable Aix IM'ed us the day before asking if we were interested in carpooling. Yay carpool! With him being the driver.
So down we went, merrily listening to music from iPods and other mp3 players via our FM transmitter. Manage to arrive around 2-ish, where lunch of chicken rice ball awaited us. And a game of Life. And would we have it easy after lunch and Life? Dragon Momma pounced upon the lot of us to help prepare dinner. No barbeques for us this year - this time it's finger food and turkey and...and...noodles and rice and goodness knows what. Admittedly we're not too sure what was the entire spread laid out for dinner, as come dinnertime we were happily making friends with all the booze available.
So there the lot of us were that afternoon preparing food. And Dragon Momma proclaiming that she would trade us all for girls who can help prepare dinner. Goes to show what we all did for our Living Skills elective in school.
With the finger food all a-ready, the Dragon Clan headed off to get the turkeys and such while the rest of us took time out to play Coloretto. It's a good thing that we invest in the quick fast games and leave the heavies to 'Nic and Ivan. Speaking of which, we should get ourselves Bang. That's another simple yet fun party game.
Night of the party with other guests arriving and Dragon Momma summons us, the alcoholic, to make drinks. Now it's not that we know how to make fancy cocktails, we actually contemplated bringing the Ultimate Bar Book along but then we thought, "Let's see, as far as we know, our hosts have dessert wine, Doctor Dinokalor brought Jack Daniels and vodka, and we're bringing Malibu. Not like there's much drinks to mix about...let's not bring this." And so we left the book behind.
So. Colour us surprised when we walked into the kitchen and see this spread.
Drinks aplenty, the dessert wine not all chilled and people going thirsty. Blame our watching them Sprintcuts youtube clips as introduced by Adrienz and JOEry for choosing this method of chilling the wine, tho's each cup still needed an ice cube to chill it further.
Now there was only one hiccup with the drinks that night. Three bottles of Orange Muscat. Only one was opened (somehow). The other two remained unopened because the Dragon Doctor doesn't own any functioning corkscrews.
With drinks flowing the whole night, storytelling sessions, Secret Santa (and more) presents passed around, Mamma Mia, soon it was time to call it a night. Only this time Dragon Doctor didn't have enough room to house us all, and we ended up bedding at Bunny's.
It's a nice place, and we'd spend a bit of the night talking about how nice the sun looks over the Straits of Malacca, how the sun highlights how dirty part of the water looks, how the sun reflects sparkling light on the lapping's just too bad the sun wasn't around at that time really. Well the sun did come up the next day in the morning but we weren't in the mood for sitting at the balcony and talking about it anymore.
Before leaving Malacca, the next important bits as to why a Christmas party out of town.
Pork satay. Satay babi. Oh there's chicken and liver and intestines as well, but pork had the most votes. All at the Ming Satay Hut.
Nadeje's crepe mille. Hmmm check the food blogs and nampaknyer ada story. But for a first time experience it was still delish.
Biscuits! Got ourself rice biscuits to take home. This here KSA Food Trading was introduced to us by our driver home, Bunny.
Come next Christmas we know what to get the Dragon Doctor if we're his Secret Santa.
Where is my Biscuits!?!
Nice recap....felt just like yesterday, oh man!
Melaka oh Melaka. Till the next time we have another funtastic gaythering!!!
Had a nice time. Especially singing Mamma Mia!
nadeje is AWESOME!!! loved it sooo much.
Ooh the tree looks fantastic!
Hope the lodging wasn't too shabby!
Festive mood, free ride, wonderful host, tonnes of booze, great company, free (again) lodging, tasty food....... who could ask for more?
Glad to know that you had a wonderful time.
Agree with Nase, feels just like yesterday!
Lifebook: Join us next year! :D
Nase: It does, doesn't it?
QR: There's plenty of opportunities!
Legolas: We did join in for Super Trouper!
Medie007: Oh and they have wifi too!
FeR: Maybe you can introduce peeps there to home-made attempts at satay? :D
Savante: Of course!
Ban: It wasn't! Thanks for having us!
Anton: Thanks!
Jason: Soon it'll be this year's Christmas before you know it!
hey dude, you also have o zoo le mio... bring it out and play!
Too bad I didn't get drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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