Thursday, February 15, 2007

Secret Diaries

Over dinner one day Wii heard about secret diaries being mentioned. A quick search and Wii found the website.

Oh, let's make it easy. Wii thinks Wii'll actually copy off the entire text for personal keeps, in case the website disappears. It's a good laugh.

The Secret Diary of Aragorn Son of Arathorn

The Very Secret Diary of Frodo Baggins

The Very Secret Diary of Samwise Gamgee

Boromir's Secret Diary

Legolas' Secret Diary

Gandalf's Secret Diary

Pippin's Secret Diary

Saruman's Secret Diary

The Secret Diary of Gimli Son of Gloin

Merry's Secret Diary

Ringwraith No. 5's Secret Diary

Gollum's Secret Diary

Arwen's Secret Diary

Elrond's Secret Diary

Sauron's Secret Diary

The Very Secret Diary of Aragorn Son of Arathorn, Part II

The Very Secret Diary of Theoden

The Very Secret Diary of Legolas Son of His Father, Part II

*edit: Wii've found the original author's website wot wrote 'em all here.


Aik Yong said...

Oh my goodness, corny Lotr jokes to rival mine, my eyes! my eyes!

Henry Yeo said...

Actually, stumbled upon it back in university days in 2000 when the first LOTR movie came out.

Quite pleasently suprised that she added on some sequels.