Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Not Today Dear, Wii Have A Headache...

What's worse than being sick? Being somewhere in the middle: not so sick as to require MC and bedrest, but sick enough to make you feel miserable at work. And what's worse is that when the medication doesn't really help anymore. So one ends up going throughout the wholeday rather in slow motion and dazed, which is very very unproductive.

Had checked with the doctor (like a friend says, pharmacists are people too...can fall sick, can't treat themselves) for a diagnosis, and all she was gonna prescribed us was some Ponstan. Not bacterial infection then? Fine, Wii'll stick to the medications Wii're currently taking (which was why she only added Ponstan to the list) of antihistamines, decongestants, lozenges, Vitamin C tablets and antipyretics/antiinflammatories.

Now, instead of hacking, sneezing, alternatingly burning and shivering and aching all over, Wii only hack at the itchy throat, sniffle, ache and walk about with half-slit eyes. Oh yes, Wii have the headache. A full cranial rhinitis ('cos instead of just the nose/forehead area, it's all over the skull). Sleep does little, as once Wii wakes up it all returns *sob*.

It's been going on for two weeks now, things coming to a peak the day before Thaipusam (yep, leading us to tell the Boardgame Cafe meetup group, "Not tonight dears, Wii have a headache..."). It got better, only to come back with a vengence after Wii suffered from 7AS (7am Syndrome). Bah.

7AS led us to think that this may be sleep-related, but sleeping the weekend in (7AS led us to wake up at 6pm btw) didn't do much to alleviate symptoms. Wii'll just have to tough it out.

Anyone care to give some TLC? Then again, being unwell makes us feel very off-the-network. Wii do feel like disappearing without any contact for a while too.

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