Sometimes, a sudden surprise baked cheese tart is just a surprise baked cheese tart.
Sometimes, a sudden surprise baked cheese tart could mean, "It looked like you were feeling out of it, you know I don't know how to help, but here's a treat to cheer you up."
Sometimes, a sudden surprise baked cheese tart was because it was a durian-flavoured baked cheese tart and you didn't place the flavour until it was not-so-subtly pointed out to you when you said thanks and was told your breath smelled of durian. And it was a surprise durian-flavoured baked cheese tart because, hey, durian flavour.
Maybe the thing to remember is that, that's the language the Chief is best at communicating in, when you're not communicating at all.
Subtle durian! Tak mungkin. Haha.
Well, was it nice?
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