Friday, June 26, 2009

Tetris Friends

Something has entered into our life once again to unleash a terrible bloodlust in us, and it's called Tetris Friends.

Now Tetris on it's own already can sap up hours without us even realizing it, due to the dreaded One More Turn syndrome. Hundreds of hours and AA batteries spent powering the Game Boy (and it took 4 AA batteries each time!) to play Tetris, and when Tetris DS was launched we spent hours each time playing against the AI (and occasionally online against strangers).

Now, it's Tetris Friends. Online Tetris with a few different gameplay modes.

So far, we've only been playing the 6-player Battle mode where we go up against 5 other strangers in clearing the most lines and scoring the most KOs. And what makes it so addictive is that each round only takes 2 minutes, so it keeps us coming back for more!

Our only problem? We're so used to playing it on the Game Boy that using the keyboard takes a bit of adjusting. Sometimes it does cost us our game when a piece lands somewhere it's not meant to.

Ok, one more game.


Ganymede said...

I shall resist this fiendish online game of yours! Muahahah. :P

William said...

The last I played Tetris was on the 486!

MrBunnyBan said...

Lol, I shall resist it too!