Monday, December 29, 2008

Fabulous Findings

Fabulous blogs and addictions. Must say that we were flattered to be tagged as a fabulous blog, especially since when we last did a search on 'niche blog' we were sad to find so many hits on how to set up a blog to earn money without leaving your house. It's sad because we use niche here to mean special (read: weird) and not as some 'speciality market for earning moolah in what sounds like a get-rich-quick scheme'.

Anyways, we've been tagged as fabulous and now have to list down 5 addictions. Well actual addictions where there's withdrawal symptoms and the likes, maybe not so drastic as it would be chemical addiction. And we decide to take a slightly different tack on addiction.

We'll list down 5 addictions we have that would likely cause the Chief to raise hands to the sky and demand, "Why? What have I done to deserve this?" You know how - a person's hands held out in supplication and begging the sky to explain why grieviences and misery befell said person. And well, not really addictions but maybe obssessions.

We can visit iKea repeatedly even when we have nothing specific in mind to buy and we've just been there two days back.
The Chief doesn't follow us for all our excursions, much to the Chief's relief. Right now our trips there are simply to get some small item, be it minor storage/organizing materials for the office, or christmas wrappings, or even just to browse and rebrowse. When we get our Friends Card, then the damage will begin.

We can browse nonstop at Machines or the Mac Store.
Even when we know it's still not...feasible to just buy a Mac. Browse the iPod casings. Browse the Macs. Sigh ever-so-slightly comparing the new iPod Touch to our 1st-Gen iPod Touch. Checking prices. Then do it all again on our next visit to a shopping mall with a large Mac reseller store.

We needs to read a bit, play a bit on our Nintendo DS, play a bit on our PC, and synchronize our iPods every night.
Which means bedtime don't come early. And so the woes that we don't get enough sleep.

We enjoy our retail therapy too darn much.
To which the Chief has resolved to not-so-subtle hints of saving money by telling us directly, yes, our credit limit is still good and we can afford 5 iPhones with no problem, hmmm also how many cards do we still have ya?

We enjoy our drinks.
A lot. Caffeine. Alcohol. Sugared drinks. Mainly our drinks are anything save plain water. To the horror of the health-conscious Chief.

And so we've to tag five other fabulous blogs. Or so we think based on how we got this meme. And so we pass this on to:
Nut. Read the blog, then read the comments which is totally something else.
Joery. Tongue as sharp as a tattoo needle - you won't be hit once but multiple times.
Wingedman. We'd a good share of laughs here, as close as Jay's blog.
Jason. His descriptions tickles us (Bertha and Melvin in Bottom Top, the Thai masseur 'biting his chest').
Medie007. Now with more photos!


Alex said...

Recession next year. Be prepared :P

Spin Doctor said...

It wont for the pink dollars users. . i doubt it.

Legolas said...

You need to kill off some personalities in you.

savante said...

Well you are always a niche!

William said...

Buy everything in the Mac Shop.

nase said...

More to IKEA stuffs & Mac items!

MrBunnyBan said...

Ermz. I'm actually worried that next year is far more than a recession. But the medical field shouldn't be so badly affected, sick people can't save on their medication much.

Jason said...

Is this a plot to make me update my blog?? Cisss....

Medie007 said...

and i'm fabulous?


Janvier said...

Alex: You can pay for our meals ya? :D

Alice: Because you've plenty to spend?

Legolas: Nooooo! Homocide!

Savante: The niche that is us?

William: How we wish, but there are certain things in there we do admit are absurdly overpriced.

Nase: Definitely more more more!

Ban: It's a bit of a surety there, but less people can afford it too...

Jason: Memang! Bwahahaha!

Medie007: Take more nice pictures for our viewing pleasure!