Friday, November 14, 2008

Back-To-Back(breaking) Classes

Last week we'd promised Strawberry Swee that we'd attend her Pump class on the following Monday.

And last week, after months of having to forgo Monday's Jam with Riyo due to rehearsals, we returned to Jam only to find out that it's her second last class as she's not going to teach BodyJam any more. Imagine, the main thing we look forwards to every Monday, gone forever. Welcome home, Monday Blues.

So just last Monday we had to attend Riyo's final BodyJam class ever, and then Pump after that. We'd asked otousan to come along for Pump, only for him to ask us to join Combat before that. Now Fitness First Curve's Monday timetable goes as follows: Jam > Combat > Pump.

When we arrived, we were already late for Jam. Got in at track 4, danced the class away, then joined Combat with Peggy till track 5 before heading out a while to check on phone calls. Got back in after Muay Thai, stayed till the end, then prepped for Pump. So, well, technically we'd only did about one and a half classes in total so far.

It's been many many months since we last been in a Pump class. Thankfully we still remember which weights we'd use and what each track is about, and still thickskinned enough to ignore otousan's chiding look when we just lunked on the wee 1.0 weights for biceps/triceps. The killer tracks this time turned out to be lunges and shoulders. We think the squats track song was the same one as when we first experienced hell on squats (only, after that first time, we knew what to expect), "Bottom half! 8 times!"

With that much adrenaline rush on Monday, we didnt' feel the tiredness that came with having a long weekend.

It was only on Tuesday that hell hit in.


J.L said...

Peggy still teaching combat?
the last time i went is 2 years back. Does Terence still teaching?

Jason said...

Awww... Poor Janvier. Who's replacing Riyo then?

deeperanddeeper said...

and who would you prefer to take over that spot? ESS?

Henry Yeo said...

try squatting with about 100kgs on your shoulders,

Alex said...

Almost read "barebacking classes"...

Janvier said...

Chester: Peggy was replacing Calvin at the time. Terence, we're not sure - we don't see him at the Curve branch save for launches.

Jason: Guess it's Kenny?

Deeperanddeeper: ESS? Who's ESS? :s

Henry Yeo: And break our back? That's twice our weight!

Alex: Naughty naughty now!