Thursday, February 28, 2008

What's The Point?

Well it boils down to this. See, we loves our iPod, our iTouch, our Wii (in terms of our gadgets). When we first bought our iPod Video 30GB, iTunes Store never mattered to us. We could live without buying songs or games or movies for the iPod - we'd plenty of music and the Happy Tree Friends podcast to keep us occupied.

Then when the Wii was launched we knew it was just a matter of time before we got one. Asides from the fact that the Wiimote promises some new perspective at gaming, and that we're a Mario supporter, and that we have a DS that sooner or later will be used in conjuction with the Wii for some games, the Wii also had the Virtual Console.

Virtual Console gave us access to the older games, like Super Paper Mario and the old Zelda games, among others. Backwards compatibility for retro gaming (although it isn't really that retro), baby.

And we fell completely for the iPhone's/iTouch's wi-fi, which led us to getting the iTouch (by the way we're happily using both iPods still, one mainly music one semacam semi-PDA). But being Apple...they have to release a January software update that finally gives the iTouch some of the same functions as the iPhone and charge us USD20 for it! It's not free!


Nintendo's Virtual Console allows us to purchase them old games but in order to do so we need to purchase Wii points. And initial tryouts at registering a credit card to buy Wii Points stopped short when we had to fill in the address linked to the credit card - because the address format was for a US address.

First attempt failed and we decided not to try yet. There's still games aplenty without needing to get old games that may require a Classic Controller or a Gamecube Controller (which we don't own and may need to buy too). But we do hope that the Virtual Console didn't deprive us of buying games that way.

Meanwhilst we definitely cannot purchase anything from Apple's iTunes Store. If we want to open an account, we'll need a US-address credit card for the account. And from what we gather, an iTunes Gift Card 'purchased in the U.S. must be redeemed through the U.S. iTunes Store'. Not that Malaysia has any stores that carry iTunes Gift Cards in the first place, we've been asking all the resellers around. We only know Thailand to have the gift cards, but a USD25 gift card there costs 1300 baht!

Huh. Here we are, trying to show our support, but do we get any support? No point if we can't get our points.


Little Prince said...

this is why... i boh chap apple or any other gadgets de! so... itai~ whenever they do a new launch when you just bought one not too long?

Henry Yeo said...

another example of a monopoly that flies under the radar (think back to iPhones and the AT&T contract). Set Apple free, demoted Steve Jobs to the middle management!!!

savante said...

Aiks. Apa ni semua. I pun tak tau.

Will said...

If you thought ipod touch was da bomb, get an iPhone.

It. Will. Blow. Your. Mind. (and your wallet but that goes without saying of course).

BTW there IS a way to get an itunes gift card. but it's stupidly successful and always out of stock. I'm planning to open one myself-- it's easier to just pay rm3.30 per ringtone.

OR you could just wait for me to go US end of March.

Janvier said...

Daniel Henry: Yes, it's bloody bloody painful! We've learned to close our eyes on future price tags.

Henry Yeo: And see Apple take a radical change of direction that may never lead to such glorious gadgets again?

Savante: Technohimbo mah.

Wingedman: We're waiting for a better iPhone! is always sold out hor? :S We'll get to you before you go in March!