Tuesday, April 17, 2007

All Systems O' Doun

I'm o doun, doun, doun...

Personal system is almost flat.

The head cannot think.

The eyes cannot see.

The soul cannot feel.

The stomach does not hunger.

The feet drags.

Language is leaving me in silence...

Unable to speak, unable to listen.

Everything on automata.

If I lay here, if I just lay here...

Lying down, shutting eyes.


Music for white noise.


William said...

The crackle of static.

You feeling better yet?

thompsonboy said...

I'm Doun Doun Doun,
I'm Doun for lack O'Johnnie,
Gin Johnnie kent I was ne weel,
I'm sure he would come to me,
But o gin he's forsaken me,
Och hone what will come of me?

Janvier said...

William: It comes and goes. Not every 28 days but it'll pass.

Thompsonboy: People just go, "You mean that capoeira MTV with the Vanessa-Mae song ar?" Truth be told that's how we first knew about it too.