Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Given it's a slow start for a Monday and the new GroupX launches putting our regular timetable into slight disarray Wii thought that Wii'd do a movie tonight. And given the choices, Wii decided for some Thai comedy as that was the only show that no one else in our clique would probably be interested in...although for the other movies Wii'll have to wait to hear if the others decide to watch it during their 'spare' time in the afternoon while Wii're working, or if we're gonna watch it together as a group..

And for a comedy, it turned out very good (credit has to be given to them who did the subs as well, Wii don't think a good translated copy is in the market yet). In fact, the last time Wii really ended up laughing hard enough to rock chairs was during Keeping Mum.

The show did have some bits that would be of interest to people, to 'train' their eyes (O.o)

At the same time, it may also highlight to people some mannerisms that they might want to watch out for (although Wii think it's a bit too stereotyped), especially the group of metrosexuals sitting beside us.

Still, alongside Death Note: The Last Name these two movies made it tops for the first quarter of the year.

HUrrah, BodyJam 40 with Riyo and Kylie tommorrow!

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