Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Had hoped to be able to work in a 'detached from life' attitude today and tried not to let depressing orphan song affect work - until a customer's phone rang, with A Kiss To Build A Dream On (first song to begin our downhill depressing slide) as the ringtone!

Immediately slumped as if I had no backbone. Right. Needed to perk self up again:

This time it's Coffee Bean for our cave time. Earl Gray (minus the regular honey stick), Banana Cake slice, Book-of-the-Moment and iPod.

Result? Back to detachment.

Or overdetachment. Had surge of inane thinking that normally makes sense after many many bottles of thirst-quenching drinks or a few puffs of some illegal herbage.

All people have music in their lives!

All carry different genres. Some have more, some have less. Some people let out this music by song - they are composers and musicians and singers. Some let the music out in art - they are artists. Some let it out in words - they are authors and writers. Some let it out in stone - they are sculpters. Some people have music like that of a scratched CD - they are the chaotic misfits.

The music tells your character. So people with the same music resonates better? Those that don't cancel each other out? So that makes us all walking iPods?

Nah. *Smacks self at silly thinking*

1 comment:

N.J.A.P.F. said...

Hey, that's an interesting thought-that we each cary our own tunes which reflect our characters. Well, if I had to be an Ipod, I would want to be an Ipod nano, in white. Pure, sleek, nifty...and can fit nicely in your pocket!!